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Making music in the community since 1949

As a result of searching the internet for any entries that needed changing when we relocated to our new home in the West Maldon Community Centre last August, we came across an 'ancient' entry on an abandoned website that stated when the Maldon Orchestra was first formed. None of the current members can remember back that far but apparently we began in 1949. It didn't take long to realise that we would be 70 in 2019!

Rather than celebrate our 70th as a birthday, we decided to celebrate our anniversary instead and that would make 2019 our platinum anniversary year. We would need a special logo for the year and would need to incorporate our special anniversary yet still have us identifiable as the Maldon Orchestra.

We are very fortunate to have a wealth of talent among our members which stretches well beyond the realms of music making. Jenny Allen is a very talented Graphics Designer (and percussionist) and set about to create a new logo to mark the occasion. Using a quaver rest and a breve together with a change of colour scheme to show the idea of our platinum anniversary, she has created our anniversary logo ....

Simple and effective yet still showing connections to the original Maldon Orchestra logo which will return next year.

Also being planned is a special anniversary concert a bit later in the year. We have anniversary concert folders for the year along with platinum coloured library folders.

So how do we feel about being 70? We have a full concert diary and an increasing membership - we are feeling good!

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